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Tuesday 7 July 2015

Goodbye Ed.

Before I go, I'm going to snuggle in my lady's hair, just a little. Because I'm okay and she should be too. I'll remember the touch of my males hands and hugs of my lady both comforting me till the end. Because unlike last time I wont be coming back. And its time I stopped dodging the fairies.

I thought they'd be allowed with me to help me pass, but the doctor isn't letting anyone go with me!? I'm scared! I don't want to do this alone... I need my family. Is that a needle!?!

ED: Whose that I can hear?
MUSHU: Ed, it is me Mushu, come to the fairies Ed
ED: But, Im so afraid what about Ham?
MUSHU: Ham will be fine.
ED: Tell him I love him?
MUSHU: He knows, Ed come to the light, Let go.
ED: How?
MUSHU: Just close your eyes Ed, like you're going to sleep.
ED: Like this?...
MUSHU: Just like that Ed.



It hurts, my tolietting is all bloody and I feel somewhat dizzy. I can hear the Vermillion outside struggling in their fight too. My lady knows what's going on she's sad but there's nothing she can do. I hope it doesn't hurt meeting the fairies....I wonder if Mushu will be waiting for me. I think I've been a good rat...even for a pet. I hope there are peas in fairyland. I do like me some peas...Oh but what about Ham, he will be so lonely.  


Oh no!
Vermillion Toxicity is due to set in, I haven't said my goodbyes yet...its happened much to fast. I seem to be bleeding a significant amount and Ham is sleeping, I would rather he not see me so feeble. It hurts to breathe.
I'm just gonna go and lie at the bottom of the cage so I don't wake him.

Dear creatures from another planet

Since living with the humans I have since discovered.... I might not actually be a rat. My ears are rather large like the humans I even have the same kind of hands OPPOSABLE THUMBS!!! I like to go fishing for peas I think that's what they do too. They use sticks with thread on though, I'm not sure they realise yet just how useful their thumbs actually are. In my recent studies I have also concluded that like me these humans tend to poop in one place on a regular basis, however.... I don't think that they poop in their bed... I have done this for them on a couple of occasions and they did not seem best pleased, Ham was most upset when I did it to him and he had a nose full as well. thus I have resorted to pooping into my own sleeping quarters. With these similarities in mind I have a strong understanding that perhaps I am human.

Monday 6 July 2015


Today when me and Ham were out I... came across something rather odd. It was water in the middle of the floor, kinda warm too... I don't know how it got there and it was in some weird dish but I could still see the floor?! I had a sniff about and after being unsure of what the strange water filled thing was I had to go find Ham.
We came back and to my pure amazement there were two!!! one of them however was deeper than the other and the floor looked a lot different, we took it in turns at splashing through the strange puddles before Ham decided they were two ponds and that they probably should be avoided at all costs (but he would say that anyway he doesn't like getting wet)

To Ham. -my final words-

I don't have long left, I have received news from an assassin of Vermillion who has informed me that my time here with you is about to end. It is while you sleep that I write this for you to find, because although I was never truly a pet we were truly brothers of the same litter, only you were more mothers kit.
What I'm writing to tell you is this:
Even though every day I lived with you sometimes unwillingly, sometimes ungratefully, I have always been fond of you. Whilst stealing my food and raiding my stash got old, I was just so happy to have your company, and as I write this I hope you understand my strange ways and odd quirks were all because you helped shape me into a character worthy enough to bring smiles onto the faces of humans! Something I never believed I could do. Please don't mourn me for too long, be a happy rat and soon you will see that me passing is just another chapter in your life that doesn't mark the end.
My stash is in the males bag, somewhere I kept safer from you. Eat wisely for you were never one to store for dieting days when we were only allowed nuggets! And keep them whiskers dry. Ill watch over you with the fairies. I will wait for you. 
I love you, my best friend.

Your cuddle buddy
